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Tech Giant Cancels the Wrong People

Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.


The Jerusalem Prayer Team (JPT) Facebook page was recently attacked by thousands upon thousands of radical Islamic organisations, who targeted them with hateful, ugly, vile anti-Semitic and anti-Israel hate speech. A barrage of posts filled the site, many about intimidating, threatening violence and slaughtering Jews around the world. The plan to close the page down was organised and, in the end, was successful.

The JPT was shocked at this attempt, as their focus is simply prayer. The followers, estimated at 75 million, pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel, protection for the Jewish people, and prayer for Arabs. Michael Evans Jr (JPT) said that without warning or notice on 18 May 2021, Facebook deleted the largest pro-Israel group in the world from its platform.

Evans said several Muslim nations combined in this effort and brought baseless and bogus complaints against the JPT.  He explained that the attacks came in two ways.

  • First was a direct campaign to take the page down. Many posts on Facebook and YouTube directed people on how to go in and report the JPT Facebook page to Facebook and how to pressure Facebook for allowing the JPT page to exist on their platform.
  • The second attack came as a disinformation campaign that Facebook created the JPT Page during the current conflict and is forcing people to like it even when they don’t.

The attacks and cancellation happened during the recent 11 day Israel/Gaza conflict.

The Jerusalem Prayer Team (JPT), established in 2002, with more than 75 million followers has been shut down by Facebook. Mike Evans told CBN News the FB page has been the target of radical Islamists.

“There was an organized attempt by radical Islamic organizations to achieve this objective. They posted over a million comments on our site and then had the people contact Facebook saying that they never posted to the site. That was a complete scam and fraud. It was a very clever, deceptive plan by Islamic radicals.”

The attack came during the midst of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas and other Islamic groups in the Gaza Strip.  Michael Evans Jr. had been leading thousands of people in prayer daily for Israel and about the current crisis in the Middle East.                                                                                      

Chris Mitchell – Reporter CBN

There was jubilant bragging when the prayer team page was deleted and thousands of views on dozens of videos celebrating the ‘victory’.

“The Jordanian hacker, Ahmed Sale, nicknamed ‘Bani Hashem Electronic Sagr’, has been able to close a Facebook page with 76 million likes to support the Zionist entity, called ‘Jerusalem Prayer Team’. #Congratulations to all viewers. ‘This Jerusalem prayer Team of Yahodi (Jewish) page has been disabled/removed successfully from Facebook,” one post said.
JPT appealed to Facebook to restore their page. Facebook replied that their cancel decision is complete and final.
“Facebook replied by saying the case was “Complete” and said, “These Pages were deleted by our system due to being not Policy Compliant. Sadly, we can’t review appeals at this time due to a shortage of reviewers caused by the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. Since you are unable to access the Page, this means that appealing is no longer an option. There’s no further action that we can take for these Pages. Please consider this decision final.”

Evans was not happy. He has contacted influential people he knows and is beginning a massive push back against the Facebook bully and the leftist global media.

“Facebook got caught with its pants down. Facebook has been accused of being biased towards conservative media sources. This is a prime example of bias on steroids. It’s, in my opinion, cyber terrorism based upon racism. I’ve contacted Senator friends, such as Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz, my dear friend, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Jared Kushner, and dozens of other political leaders to assist me with this fraudulent scheme to damage our good work.”  

Michael Evans -JPT

Dr Mike Evans, author, advisor to President Trump, confidant to the PM of Israel and founder of the Friends of the Zion Heritage Centre in Jerusalem, the world’s headquarters of the JPT, arrived in Israel last week to host a television event in Jerusalem at the Friends of Zion Museum media centre. The television special will include numerous appearances by special guests. Leaders include actors Jon Voight, actor Pat Boone, Pastor Robert Jeffress, Pastor Jack Graham, Franklin Graham, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Pastor Paula White-Cain, former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, and many more.

“The event that I’m hosting in Jerusalem will be released to the global media to counter the lies that are being told about the war. Israel is indeed winning the war, but Israel is also losing the media war through secular leftist media that is believing the lies of radical Islam.”

He asks people continue to pray for Israel.

CBN recently provided a life-saving bomb shelter to the Israeli community in a children’s playground. The children only have 12 -15 seconds to run inside once the sirens go off.

CBN recently provided a life-saving bomb shelter to the Israeli community in a children’s playground. The children only have 12-15 seconds to run inside once the sirens go off.

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