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word of the day

The word for today is…

forswear (verb) –

1 : to make a liar of (oneself) under or as if under oath
2a : to reject or renounce under oath
 b : to renounce earnestly
3 : to deny under oath

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Forswear (which is also sometimes spelled foreswear) is the modern English equivalent of the Old English forswerian. It can suggest denial (“Thou would’st forswear thy own hand and seal”—John Arbuthnot, John Bull) or perjury (“Is it the interest of any man … to lie, forswear himself, indulge hatred, seek desperate revenge, or do murder?”—Charles Dickens, American Notes). But in current use, it most often has to do with giving something up, as in “the warring parties agreed to forswear violence” and “she refused to forswear her principles.”

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