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word of the day

The word for today is…

inimical (adjective) –

1 : being adverse often by reason of hostility or malevolence
2a : having the disposition of an enemy : hostile
b : reflecting or indicating hostility

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : In inimical, one finds both a friend and an enemy. The word descends from Latin inimicus, which combines amicus, meaning “friend,” with the negative prefix in-, meaning “not.” In current English, inimical rarely describes a person, however. Instead, it is generally used to describe forces, concepts, or situations that are in some way harmful or hostile. For example, high inflation may be called inimical to economic growth. Inimicus is also an ancestor of enemy, whereas amicus gave us the much more congenial amicable (meaning “friendly” or “peaceful”) and amiable (meaning “agreeable” or “friendly”).

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