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The Firearms Register – Divide and Conquer

Myles Chandler
Sensible Shooters

Firearms owners the world over know that a register is the first step and confiscation is the second step. This has been the practice many times by many different authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. If anyone here in New Zealand thinks this will play out differently in New Zealand then I have an unused cycle bridge over the Waitemata to sell them.

NZ firearms owners cannot allow the register to be successful. If it succeeds, despite the mountainous complexities in NZ, then firearms ownership as we know it in NZ is doomed.

Police tactics are very real when it comes to firearms owners as they have already practiced them – the tactic is Divide and Conquer.

The not so independent firearms authority being set up under police wings is clear evidence of the success of this tactic.

It is a NZ firearms register being set up by a not so independent authority.

Police know all the countries where a register is a fast train to failure station.  To try to stop this failure police are using the Divide and Conquer strategy.

Police are right now inviting high-level firearms organization representatives to “facilitate and smooth” the way to a successful register. This is akin to using the “Judas Goat” to lead sheep to the slaughter. This means that firearms owners will be pacified by the police insistence that everything is OK, your representatives are working with us, and everything will be alright with the register.

Every firearms owner should call BS on that!

For years police have consulted with COLFO and FCAF. Despite all the insistence, that these groups change things “behind closed doors”, they have failed firearms owners.

The truth is that firearms owners have had no wins, only losses in the last five years. The rights of firearms owners have been continuously eroded by Judas Goats.

The police have even had meetings with the leaders of Pistol NZ which resulted in the police introducing SOP 408 which further eroded collectors and firearms owners rights. To be clear, Pistol NZ were protecting their own patch: So much for firearms owners being a united voice. Just as long as Pistol NZ can continue to shoot IPSC, dressed in lycra.

Firearms owners MUST BE UNITED NOW. They must not meekly go with the police for the firearms register. The firearms owners must remember that the economics and complexity of the register means it is doomed to failure. Whether it will fail sooner let’s not sit by meekly.

Please make your views known to stop your organization from collaborating with the not so independent firearms authority firearms register.
