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shovels shovel ready

Another day, another implementation blunder from a government fast developing a habit of being a government that is only good at announcing things:

Less than half of the Government’s ‘’shovel-ready’’ infrastructure projects have begun by its first self-imposed deadline, with just 44 per cent of the 150 projects under construction by the end of February.

Last year, the Government announced it would fund 150 ‘’shovel-ready’’ projects, costing $2.6 billion. The projects, including the Naenae pool development, the Eastern Bays Shared Path, and the Wellington District Court, were meant to kick-start the economy with an infrastructure boom as the country recovered from Covid-19.

The Government said in April that “shovel-ready” meant ready to begin within six months, although it pushed this out to 12 months when the projects began to be announced in July 2020.


Just more evidence of a government that is fast with the slogans and slow, or in many cases non-existent, with delivery.

Add these failures to the lengthening list of non-delivery from a government whose talent pool barely wets the socks of their ministers.

Next time the government really should form a sub-committee to make sure someone tells the shovels to actually be ready.

Weakness is strength. Lies are truth. Shovel ready is…?

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