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These People Could Be President. Part Four: The Ethnic Fraud of ‘Pochahontas’

The BFD. Elizabeth Warren AKA Fauxahontas

Too Right
A regular column by John Black
The Black Sheep Blog

Donald Trump like him or like him slightly less (hey, this is a centre-right site) certainly knows how to name call. He has the unerring ability of the schoolyard bully to come up with the perfect taunt – the one that sticks because there’s some truth behind it.  ‘Low energy’ Jeb Bush, ‘Little’ Marco Rubio, ‘Rocket man’ Kim Jong-un. But the funniest and most apposite yet has been calling Democrat presidential nominee hopeful, Elizabeth Warren, ‘Pocahontas’.

A little background.

Since early in her career, Warren has repeatedly claimed on official documentation to be a daughter of the Cherokee Nation. When she took the state bar exam in Texas she entered her ethnicity as ‘Native American’. When she lectured at Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania she was listed as a ‘minority’ faculty member. Trouble is these claims were based on nothing more than a vague family tradition of some Native American ancestry many moons ago.

It would be like me putting down ‘Norwegian’ as my ethnicity on a census form because my great, great, great, great, great, grandmother was raped by a Viking.

Why would a U.S senator engage in such racial subterfuge?

Because laying claim to an indigenous ancestor confers all sorts of status benefits especially on the political left.

Where have we heard that one before, eh? Yes, similarly in Aotearoa today there is an absurd status incentive to perform an ethnic cleansing on oneself, an auto-Auschwitz if you will, to purge your mundane milky white D.N.A and magnify your pleasingly darker hued genetic material. I have dubbed it performing ‘a Pakehaectomy’ and would dearly love to get the term into popular usage to highlight the ridiculousness of the act. Modesty forbids me from submitting it to on-line dictionaries or Wikipedia (hint, hint).

Back to Senator Warren

The Don called bullshit on this chicanery and goaded her into taking a D.N.A test. The results were embarrassing. Between a 1/32 and a 1/1024 chance of her having a single Native American ancestor 6-10 generations ago which puts her on a par with most of White America who don’t go around claiming to be squaws.

Trump had performed an important public service in exposing her to be an ethnic fraudster.

Some claimed ‘Pocahontas’ was a racial insult, but Trump was obviously mocking the white bread Ms Warren posing as a Cherokee, not genuine Native Americans.

So much winning.

This currying of favour with racially obsessed progressives is just part of Warren’s drift leftward. She started as a relatively sane law school professor, even admitting to having voted Republican in a number of elections. Her wheelhouse has been economic regulation especially in the area of consumer protection. However, this reasonable concern for fairness in the market economy has grown into a (likely politically cynical) turn against its very foundations. Last year Warren introduced the ‘Accountable Capitalism Act’ which would have (if passed) been the greatest government takeover of the U.S economy since the New Deal. It proposed a ‘Corporate Charter’ amounting to governance by the state of all companies with capital of over 1 billion dollars. Just when the U.S economy is humming like a Harley on the highway, Warren would send in a fleet of pencil-necked panjandrums to tell Coca-Cola how many cans to produce.

No wonder Wall Street isn’t keen on her.

Currently, she is polling third behind Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders in the Democrat Presidential nominee race.

Personally, I’d love her to win.

A 2020 matchup between Trump and ‘Pocahontas’ would make politics more entertaining than topless jelly wrestling.
