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Ken Orr
Right to Life N.Z. Inc.

The actions of the Labour government are an increasing threat to the human rights of New Zealanders. It is the duty of the state to protect the human rights of all New Zealanders from conception to natural death.

Right to Life is disappointed that the churches, who should be at the forefront in defending the human rights of New Zealanders, are silent on these matters.

The Catholic Church has a distinguished record in defending the rights of workers. The Papal encyclical Rerum Novarum of 1891, encapsulates the Church teaching on the rights of workers, the duties of employers and duty of the State to care for workers.

Right to Life believes that the Churches have a duty to speak up in defence of workers threatened with unemployment for following their conscience.

The government, under cover of the Covid 19 pandemic, pushed through the Abortion Legislation Act in March 2020 with urgency, thereby denying the human rights of the unborn by inflicting abortion, literally on demand up to birth.

The government has also denied the human rights of the seriously ill and the dying by its overwhelming support for the End of Life Choice Act 2019, which will be inflicted on our nation on 7th November. This diabolical legislation will allow doctors to give their patients a lethal injection or assist in their suicide, under the guise of health care.

Still, under the guise of health care, the government is threatening the human rights of New Zealanders if they disobey the government directive to accept the experimental Pfizer “vaccine” and become part of the international research group to ascertain the long term adverse reactions to this vaccine, this is phase 3 which has just started and will conclude in January 2023.

The government have now resolved to increase the number in the workforce subject to mandatory vaccination to about 40%. This includes those employed in hospitality, hairdressers and gyms, who are now required by the government to accept the Pfizer vaccine experimental gene therapy medical treatment or lose their employment.

New Zealanders have a right to work to provide for themselves and their family. This right is enshrined in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Article 23, “Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment to just and favourable conditions and protection against unemployment”.

The NZ Labour Party has a proud record of defending the rights of workers, the 40 hour week and full employment. It is simply unbelievable that we have a Labour government that is threatening the employment of tens of thousands of New Zealanders over this issue.

Michael Joseph Savage, the former Labour leader, whose photo sits strategically in the Prime Minister’s office would turn in his grave if he could see what the sixth Labour government is doing to undermine the traditional family, reject the sanctity of life and trample over the human rights of New Zealanders.

This vaccination mandate contravenes the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, section 10, which reads

”Right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation

Every person has the right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without that person’s consent.”

Section11, reads, “Right to refuse to undergo medical treatment Everyone has the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment.”

Why is the government choosing to ignore this important legislation which was enacted to protect our human rights?

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