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Holocaust Survivor Warns about History Repeating Itself

Photo by OpenClipart-Vectors. The BFD.
You may have been thinking it, but maybe you haven’t dared to discuss the possibility that there are some freaky parallels between public health’s measures of dealing with COVID-19 and how the Holocaust came to be.

In this report, I interview Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav. Vera was only three years old when her family was taken to a Nazi concentration camp in Ukraine.

That experience left an indelible mark on Vera, but she managed to use this unimaginably traumatic experience for good. She founded the Alliance for Human Research Protection, an advocacy group committed to upholding humanitarian values and ethical standards of medicine.

Vera has grave concerns about our government’s incessant fearmongering, use of propaganda to dehumanize and segregate certain members of society, and the “papers please” system that we have allowed to develop in front of our eyes.

In our interview, Vera shared a dire warning for the public regarding the extreme measures governments have taken against their citizens during life with COVID-19.

You have to hear what she told me:

Rebel Media

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Do you agree with Vera’s assessment? Are disturbing chapters in history repeating themselves under the guise of COVID-19 prevention?

Please share your thoughts in the comments

Rebel Media


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