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Weapon of Mass Distraction – The Red Wedding

Jacinda Ardern has finally announced…well…she announced that she’s set a date for her wedding. So, we’ve had an announcement of the announcement of a date…some time in the future.

Jacinda Ardern and Clarke Gayford have set a date for their wedding, but don’t worry if you haven’t received an invitation; they haven’t been sent yet.

The Prime Minister told Coast Radio breakfast hosts Sam Wallace, Toni Street and Jason Reeves that the couple planned to get married this summer.

“That doesn’t mean we’ve told anyone yet,” Ardern added, “so I feel like we should probably put some invites out.”


This is of course a weapon of mass distraction. The government is in serious trouble and there have been weeks of bad headlines. They need a circuit breaker and here it is, and the media have been played for the fools they are.

The Government is under the pump for their racist restructuring of Health. Their non-performance on key election policies like Kiwibuild, light rail, child poverty and many other failures is being noticed and making headlines. Their He Puapua document outlining a plan to bring separatism and apartheid to New Zealand has gone down like a cup of cold sick. The stink surrounding the appalling bullying by Trevor Mallard and his shameless use of parliamentary privilege to re-litigate matters is starting to pervade the party and the stench has reached the nostrils of the Prime Minister. Polls are also starting to show that the gloss has worn off the Labour party.

So a weapon of mass distraction it is. The Media party has dutifully pushed all the bad news off the front page in order to tell us Jacinda Ardern has announced she has a date.

No doubt she will hold the announcement of the date back until she needs another weapon of mass distraction.

One can only hope she’s planning a Red Wedding.

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