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Senator Lindsey Graham Image credit The BFD

The Democrats were always playing with fire with their ill-conceived impeachment proceedings against former President Donald Trump. Now they are being lined up for their own impeachment sagas.

PJ Media reports:

In the wake of the Democrat’s second failed attempt to impeach and remove President Trump, Lindsey Graham, in an appearance on Fox News Sunday, said that Democrats have now opened Pandora’s Box, and that by the standard they’ve set, Kamala Harris has met their requirement for impeachment.

“The trial record was a complete joke,” Senator Graham said. “Hearsay on top of hearsay, and we’ve opened Pandora’s Box for future presidents and if you use this model, I don’t know how Kamala Harris doesn’t get impeached if Republicans take over the House because she actually bailed out rioters, and more of the rioters went back to the streets and broke somebody’s head open, so we’ve opened Pandora’s Box here, and I’m sad for the country.”

And there is more that the Republicans will just sit on until they win the House in the mid-terms:

Kamala Harris also joked about killing President Trump, Vice-President Pence or Attorney General Jeff Sessions back in 2018, during an appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show. DeGeneres had been asking Harris a series of random questions from cards, when she came to the question “If you had to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pence, or Jeff Sessions, who would it be?”

“Does one of us have to come out alive?” Harris asked, clearly alluding to her wanting to kill whichever one she chose.
Kamala’s joke normalized and trivialized political violence. But Donald Trump, who told his supporters to march peacefully to the Capitol, was impeached for “inciting violence.” Lindsey Graham is correct that by the Democrats’ own standard, the Republican majority would be justified in impeaching Kamala Harris.

PJ Media

The Democrats need to suffer for their egregious and ill-founded impeachment campaigns, especially for fabricating evidence in the second Senate trial.

If they have any honesty at all then they will see that they were in fact worse than anything they claimed against Donald Trump.

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