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When trannies attack: a transgender “woman” went on an axe rampage in Sydney. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

It’s a standard trope of the transgender lobby that “trans people” are constant victims of bullying and violence. Even the mildest criticism of the idea that men who claim to be women should be allowed in women’s dressing rooms is met with whining and hand-wringing about “endangering trans lives”.

But it’s a blatant lie.

A recent “Transgender Day of Remembrance” in Australia was embarrassed by the fact that they couldn’t actually find any murdered trannies to remember. Data from the UK shows that not only are there very, very few transgender victims of homicide, transgenders are much more likely to be killers than killed.

In the decade from 2008-17 in the UK there were just seven transgender victims of homicide, all male. In the same time, nearly twice as many people were murdered by transgenders (again, all male, masquerading as female).

The data also shows that men identifying as women are twice as likely to be murderers than the general population.

But further data shows that, for every killing successfully perpetrated by transgenders, more are attempted.

During the same timeframe, several other transgender individuals (again, all males identifying as trans women) have perpetrated extremely violent attacks, prosecuted as attempted murder, where the victims were lucky to survive.

2016 – Lauren Jeska, a male who identifies as a trans woman, attempted to kill UK Athletics official, Ralph Knibbs

2015 – Helen Doe, a male who identifies as a trans woman, had a defence of ‘non-insane automatism‘, accepted by a jury after attempting to kill Kenneth Doe (brother)

2011 – Joanne Latham, a male who identifies as a trans woman, attempted to kill an unnamed fellow patient at Rampton Secure Hospital (also perpetrated two other attempted murders in 2001 & 2007)

2008 – Alan/Sarah Baker, a male who identifies as a trans woman, attempted to kill an unnamed fellow prisoner.

Drilling down through the circumstances of the transgenders who are killed shows that “transphobia” is almost never the cause.

Vanessa Santillan was killed by partner Joaquin Gomez Hernandez who lived off Santillan’s earnings from selling sex. He denied murder and tried to blame one of Santillan’s clients. He was jailed for life in 2015.

Chrissie Azzopardi was killed by drug dealer Romy Maynard possibly related to money the victim owed him. Maynard was jailed for life in 2012

Lionel/Susie Morl was killed by two acquaintances with substance-misuse issues who stole the victim’s disability benefits & savings. David Hardman admitted killing Morl, and both he and his accomplice Tracy Horrell were jailed for life in 2012.

David/Sonia Burgess sometimes wore stereotypically female clothing and presented as a woman, and was killed by Senthooran Kanagasingham, a male who identified as transgender. Kanagasingham, who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, was found guilty of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility and jailed for life in 2011.

Andrea Waddell was murdered by punter Neil McMillan. He was jailed for life in 2010 and subsequently jailed indefinitely after also being convicted of raping a woman a year earlier.

Destiny Lauren was murdered by punter Leon Fyle. He was jailed for life in 2010.

Just one killing in the UK that could even loosely be described as a “transgender murder” was attributed (by the media) to “transphobia” — again, at a stretch:

William Lound, a gay man who sometimes wore stereotypically female clothing, was killed by Lee Arnold, a homeless man with untreated paranoid schizophrenia and problems with substance misuse, in what media reports described as a “homophobic and transphobic murder”. Arnold pleaded guilty to killing Lound and was jailed for life in 2016.

Two other deaths claimed by the media and activists to be “transgender killings” were in fact found to be either suicide or otherwise non-suspicious.

Far from the murderous hatred of transgenders that activists claim, the sad reality is that transgender people generally live in ways that can generously be described as “risky”. Almost all transgender deaths are linked to mental illness, substance abuse and/or sex work.

Vanessa Santillan, Andrea Waddell and Destiny Lauren all sold sex which brought them into contact with the violent men who killed them. A 2012 report into violence in the sex trade in London revealed that ‘active sex workers were almost 18 times more likely to be murdered than women of similar age and race’

Chrissie Azzopardi, Lionel/Suzie Morl and William Lound were killed by a drug dealer and drug users. The Homicide Index reveals around a fifth (22%) of homicide victims were known to be drug users and around 1 in 7 (15%) of perpetrators were known to be drug dealers

William Lound and David/Sonia Burgess were both killed by perpetrators who were seriously ill with untreated paranoid schizophrenia.

Trans Crime UK

These same commonalities are almost certainly what make transgenders far more likely to be killers than the rest of the population.

Far from trannies cowering in fear from the rest of us, it’s the rest of us who have more to fear from the mentally ill men in dresses.
