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YouTube Still Wiping Out Scientific Discussion

MRC Free Speech America has also now recorded over 1300 cases of censorship related to Covid-19 or the related vaccines.

Photo by Erwan Hesry / Unsplash

Gabriela Pariseau
Gabriela is an Assistant Editor in the Media Research Center's Free Speech America division. She is a graduate of Christendom College where she earned a BA in History.

YouTube is still suppressing ongoing discussions on the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines and treatment nearly five years after the start of the pandemic.

Eagle Forum hosted its Eagle Council 52 conference last month, which featured a plethora of speakers including renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr Peter McCullough. During his speech, Dr McCullough mentioned some of the most pernicious impacts of the Covid-19 virus and vaccines. He also noted how censorship continues to impact discussions surrounding health and the pandemic. YouTube, however, censored Eagle Forum’s video of Dr McCullough’s speech for allegedly “violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.”

Eagle Forum President Kris Ullman blasted YouTube for its censorship in exclusive comments to MRC Free Speech America. “Dr McCullough spoke eloquently about the dangers to medicine and science when certain opinions are silenced. The idea that YouTube can censor a practicing doctor, who actually treated COVID patients, is outrageous,” she said.  

Ulman added, “We are shocked that YouTube wants to prevent the public from hearing his views. This censorship actually damages Americans' faith in public health and the media. It must stop.”

Although it is unclear exactly why YouTube removed the video from its platform, it seems that McCullough ran afoul of its Medical Misinformation policy, which absurdly forbids: “Claims that an approved Covid-19 vaccine will cause death, infertility, miscarriage, autism, or contraction of other infectious diseases” and “[c]laims that vaccines do not reduce the severity of illness, including hospitalization or death.” 

But the cardiologist was frank about the health impact he is seeing both as a result of the Covid-19 virus and the vaccine. “Now in about five to 10 per cent of people who took the vaccine, they have serious problems with the vaccine,” he said.
McCullough continued, noting that the audience previously did a show of hands for those who knew someone who had experienced an adverse event. “You know what [the adverse impacts] are: heart damage, cardiac arrest, heart failure, stroke, neurologic injury, neuropathy, what’s called POTS (a dizziness and heart palpitations), blood clots like we’ve never seen before, the largest blood clots we’ve ever seen before – both with the infection and the vaccine, not just the vaccine, both – and then immunologic problems.” 

He went on to suggest that he and other medical professionals are “hoping and praying” that Covid-19 and the vaccines for the disease do not cause or accelerate cancer. McCullough also noted many people have not only been injured by the vaccine but have died from it. “We could not have conceived a poison, a toxin to the population that accelerates all major forms of human death. We could not have imagined something – a [spike] protein – that could have been designed to cause so much human misery.”

According to MRC Free Speech America’s exclusive CensorTrack database, McCullough has been censored by social media companies 16 additional times whether it be his posts, other users quoting him or clips of him speaking for media appearances. 

McCullough is also one of no fewer than 40 medical professionals and scientists who have now been censored by Big Tech since the start of the pandemic, according to CensorTrack data. Many of them have been censored multiple times. 

MRC Free Speech America has also now recorded over 1300 cases of censorship related to Covid-19 or the related vaccines. This is up from the over 800 cases CensorTrack had recorded by February 2022.

YouTube did not respond to MRC Free Speech America’s request for comment.

Eagle Forum is a member of the MRC-led Free Speech Alliance.

This article was originally published by MRCNewsBusters.
