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National leader Christopher Luxon says it’s time for the protest outside Parliament to end, as police launch a major operation on Wednesday morning.

Luxon told Breakfast that Wellingtonians have had enough after 23 days of disruption because of the occupation.

One News

I watched and listened to Chantelle Baker’s live stream all day long. New Zealand owes her and her partner a debt of gratitude for their fearless reporting and filming of all the horror that unfolded yesterday on Parliament’s lawn.

The abhorrent behaviour came from the police who had thrown out the rule book and covered their identifying numbers so that they couldn’t be held accountable for their illegal and violent actions.

I have never been so disgusted in my life. I watched them punching a female protester (that they held down on the ground) repeatedly in the head.

They caused the fire that set the tents alight when they knocked over a generator.

They pepper-sprayed Chantelle deliberately in the face in a situation that could have resulted in her falling and being badly injured or killed.

They should all be deeply ashamed at what Coster sent them in to do. The protesters were the brave and selfless ones doing it for our freedom not just their own.

Click on the image below:

CLICK on the image. Luxon to Ardern. Gif credit Juana. The BFD.
Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss.

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