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Grammarly vs. Prowritingaid Review: Which One Is Better?

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Capitalize My Title is a dynamic title capitalization tool used to make sure your titles or headlines use proper capitalization rules according to various style guides include APA, AP, MLA, and Chicago. It also counts your words and checks for grammar issues.

Whenever it comes to the reliable online grammar checkers, Grammarly and ProWritingAid are the two names that come to mind. Though both tools are designed to help you write better, there are some significant differences between them.

If you’re confused about which tool you should use, read this comparison guide till the end. We will be comparing these two tools in terms of accuracy, user-friendliness, spelling, editing features, and customer service response.

Table of Contents

1. Interface & Design

You won’t be able to take maximum advantage of any tool if its interface is not user-friendly. So don’t forget to check with design and interface before investing in any proofreading tool. Let’s find out how good Grammarly and ProWritingAid are in terms of ease of use.


Grammarly features a clean web editor. You can upload your document by clicking on the “upload” button or simply copy and paste your text in the editor. The good thing is, you can add this tool to Chrome as an extension, making it exceptionally easy to use.

Apart from this, identifying errors is not that difficult with Grammarly. You will see your mistakes broken into categories. You simply need to click on your errors to see the suggestion.

Additionally, Grammarly has a Google Chrome plugin that plugins into most forms on the internet automatically so that you can check your grammar as you go.


In comparison to Grammarly, ProWritingAid’s editor is not that clean. It shows your errors on the left side of the app. To see the suggestions, you have to click on a tiny arrow and then hover over the text to check the recommendations.

Grammarly vs. Prowritingaid Result

Grammarly is the clear winner in terms of user-friendliness.

2. Features

Both Grammarly and ProWritingAid support a variety of features to help you write better content.


Grammarly comes with both desktop and web versions and can be integrated into Microsoft word. Moreover, you can use it on your Android and iOS phones. It supports both the free and paid versions. Some of the major features of Grammarly include:

  • Grammar checker
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Spelling
  • Punctuations
  • Tone detector
  • Word variety
  • Style suggestions
  • Repetitive words
  • Weak adjectives
  • Word variety

Note: The Free plan has limited features only. You will need to upgrade to the premium plan to access all the features.


ProWritingAid supports more features than Grammarly. However, it does not support the iOS and Android app. Similar to Grammarly, it comes with both free and paid versions. Some of the additional features of ProWritingAid which are missing in Grammarly include:

  • Dialogue checks
  • Context-sensitive style suggestions
  • Homonyms
  • Visualize Sentence
  • Word Explorer
  • Contextual Thesaurus Report

Grammarly vs. Prowritingaid Results

ProWritingAid has more features than Grammarly for sure.

3. Accuracy

Accuracy is an important feature to look into when choosing a proofreading tool. After all, everyone wants their content to be correct.


In comparison to Grammarly, ProWritingAid gives you more suggestions. When we uploaded the same document on both tools, ProWritingAid showed more suggestions. However, not all recommendations were accurate.

On the contrary, Grammarly produced fewer errors than ProWritingAid, but we accepted more of its recommendations. Thus we can say, though Grammarly determines fewer errors but is more accurate in its recommendations.


According to our testing, ProWritingAid seems like a better tool for fiction writers as it takes care of things like fragmented sentences and dialogue better than Grammarly.

Grammarly vs. Prowritingaid Result

Grammarly is undoubtedly better in terms of accuracy, but as ProWritingAid tool handles things like fragmented sentences and dialogue better, it can be a useful tool for fiction writers.

4. Pricing

Pricing is also an important factor to consider when choosing a proofreading tool. Let’s compare how much these two tools cost.


Grammarly premium monthly plan costs you $29 per month while the quarterly plan charges you $19 per month. If you buy Grammarly premium for a year, you will need to pay on average of $11 per month which works out to $132. You can try out its free plan to find out whether or not you need to upgrade to the paid plan.


ProWritingAid comes with four pricing plans. The one year cost for ProWritingAid is $79, while the lifetime plan costs $299. However, you can get 20% off these plans with our special link. Like Grammarly, it also comes with a free plan so you can try that first.

Grammarly vs. Prowritingaid Result

ProWritingAid is far cheaper than Grammarly ($79 compared to $132 for an annual plan). However, you can use this link to get 10% off a Grammarly Premium account or learn how you can get 20% off of ProWritingAid here.

5. Customer Support

As technical issues might happen at any time, you must have immediate access to a support team. Let’s find out how proactively Grammarly and ProWritingAid handle problems of their users.


Grammarly offers 24/7 support via submitting a ticket and email. You can also visit their help center and go through the knowledge base to find an answer to your queries.


ProWritingAid support team is available from Monday to Friday between 8 am to 5 pm GMT. You can contact them via their “Contact us” page and email. They also have an FAQ page where you can find articles for specific technical issues.

6. Pros & Cons

Like every proofreading tool, Grammarly and ProWritingAid have some pros and cons. We have listed some major ones below. This section will help you make a better decision.

Grammarly Pros

  • Grammarly underlines all the incorrect words and allows you to edit a document in real-time.
  • The tool is quite user-friendly. Even beginners can use it without any prior training.
  • It is designed to offer a quick check for your writing.
  • Comparatively, it’s more accurate, especially for non-fiction writers.
  • It gives you indirect account-based document storage.
  • For more, check out our full Grammarly review.

Grammarly Cons

  • Grammarly Chrome extension is not compatible with a few websites.
  • Microsoft office is not supported on Mac.
  • Though the majority of the mistakes suggested by Grammarly are correct, sometimes it catches wrong mistakes.
  • The free version is only suitable for grammatical and spelling errors.

Prowritingaid Pros

  • ProWritingAid supports more features than other proofreading editing tools available on the market.
  • Based on your writing, it gives you more than 20 different reports for improvements.
  • It is comparatively cheaper than other grammar checkers.
  • ProWritingAid supports more integrations than other tools.

Prowritingaid Cons

  • In comparison to Grammarly, it has slower editing, especially when you add a large segment of text to edit.
  • ProWritingAid does not have a mobile application for Android and iOS.
  • Plagiarism checker is available only for the premium plan.
  • For more, check out our full ProWritingAid review.

Final Thoughts

In this post, we compared Both Grammarly and ProWritingAid in terms of pricing, ease of use, features, customer support, and more. We’re confident that after going through this guide, you can better decide which tool is useful for you.  Check them out at the links below:



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