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In the Distance Clouds Were Forming…

Image credit The BFD.

Of all the silly, preposterous nonsense in the Godfather movie – which is nothing more than a slur on people (ahem) of Sicilian descent – no scene is more silly and preposterous than when Kay asks Michael if he really is a mob boss and has just had Carlo, his brother in law, murdered. He replies “No” and she just melts – Oh, that’s alright then! (such twaddle).

It is reminiscent of the violence, cultish behaviour, insanity, political repression of opponents, rewriting of history, and adherence to newly invented insane concepts, of Germany circa 1936 undertaken by left-wingers in recent years. To those of us who are sane it seems very much like fascism. So what did the left-wingers do? Simple! they added two words to the definition of fascism: “right-wing” (ie: a right wing ideology) and – hey presto! – they cannot be fascists. Phew!

As coalition negotiations are concluded, special votes are counted, and a new government takes office on November 3rd they have a task ahead of them to not only unite the nation, repeal rotten stuff in 100 days, and deal with an economic crisis. They also have the ever-so-important problem of who will be implementing these things – the public service.

When the rest of the country was engaging in ejecting the worst Government in our history, the woke left-wingers who pollute the public service were busy electing two green communists (although one is such a sook she is terrified of Mike Hosking!). And here lies the biggest problem facing our new Government: a bureaucratic machine that is completely opposed to the policies they will be asked to implement.

It’s a little bit like the problem facing the victorious allies in 1945 with rebuilding Germany. Everything had to start from scratch; an economy, a public service, an entire infrastructure. Except everybody was, well, you know – a Nazi. There was a kind of “Germany’s Got Talent” contest to find someone – anyone! – who could however vaguely, however nominally, be able to show they’d once opposed something Adolf Hitler had said. Laughably they came up with Konrad Adenauer. It was all utter nonsense, of course, but just plausible enough.

But as for everyone else, they were all ex-Nazi soldiers who, like huge numbers of New Zealanders at the end of the war, returned home and cracked on with things.

Do I need to tell you how successful “Nazi Hunting” was within West Germany when those in charge were ex-Nazis? (starting to get the general idea yet?).

But there was no alternative; there weren’t two lots of German people, (baddies and goodies) who could rebuild their country and undertake all of the roles within government and private enterprise and other institutions.

David Seymour has advocated for substantial job cuts within the public service, and an end to the “consultant” scam (it’s nothing more than that). But unless the ACT party has compiled a long, long list of people to sack there is going to be a problem or two; asking the State Services Commissioner “who amongst your lifelong friends should we get rid of?” is going to be a bit like asking some “Operation Barbarossa” veteran, and now German Attorney-General circa 1952, “Who are the Nazis we should put on trial?”

Knowing ACT people as well as I do, I doubt they’ve got a list as they’re too lazy and too thick to have done the grunt work that would involve. So don’t expect an end to pronouns or Maori words, or a reduction in the size of the public service any time soon.
