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Letter to the Editor: Dangerous Extremists

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

I think we would be better off without all these dangerous extremists. You know who I’m talking about: the kind of fringe nutters who think everyone should be allowed to just waltz into a cafe or a bar whenever they feel like it without showing their papers.

These are the same lunatics who want to be able to go to a gym or a swimming pool without demonstrating their proof of obedience first. It’s disgusting and it’s unhealthy and we would be much better off without these people running around causing trouble.

In fact, I wouldn’t call them ‘people’ at all, would you? Better to call them subhumans. Yes, that’s the word I was looking for. Subhumans. A lower species. Society would be better off without them, wouldn’t you agree?

False Evidence Appearing Real
*A terrified population is easy to control,
so be kind and don’t ask questions.


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