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Letter to the Editor: Is this the next step for NZ?

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

I received the email below from my brother who lives in Kuala Lumpur. It makes for disturbing reading and, given how the rules here in NZ keep changing, from no one will be forced from their jobs to No Jab, No Job, you have to think there is a good chance this may be in store for us.

“This country just hit a new low – today I was not allowed into the supermarket to buy food because I am not registered with the government’s ‘big brother is watching you’ website and I do not have a certificate saying that I have had two injections of poison.

So people who are not infected with Covid are deemed dangerous to others and yet the number of those injected who are getting re-infected is on the rise and they are allowed to go anywhere – until they end up back in hospital.

The government proclaims that the adult population is now 97%-plus fully injected – yet the numbers continue to rise with daily infections exceeding 6,000. Where are all these NEW infections coming from?

The drive is on to inject all school children – despite the fact that this is not recommended by the WHO an organisation with an appalling record in the past in handling Covid.

It is obvious that big money is involved in all this. One day, one hopes the truth will emerge – but the way governments control the narrative and also the news, there appears little hope of this in the short term.

I hope the marches in NZ get on the news – I wonder how the Australian news regarding the opposition there managed to avoid the corrupt government censors? “

Graham M

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