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Troughers. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.


After enjoying my Sunday two-egg omelette and observing the frost-covered lawn I settled down to read the 5th of July edition of Rural News, the front page headline of which read, “Avalanche Warning”.

“Outgoing Federated Farmers leader Karen Williams says an avalanche of state-sponsored regulations is de-motivating and discouraging many farmers”. Later in the article she expands, a “one-size-fits-all policy regime, with so many pieces of legislation changing at once; think resource management reform, climate change, Essential Fresh Water, Three Waters, animal welfare, biodiversity, infrastructure, local government reform”.

Some readers here at The BFD will know my views on the incredible hoax of Climate Change which permeates every pore of our everyday life. Attenborough cannot even get through a documentary about anything, no matter how mundane, without fitting in a “Climate Change” frightener. It is simply not possible to get through a day without seeing or hearing (unless you’re a hermit in the bush in Martin’s Bay) some reference to the dreaded “Climate Change”.

This Climate Change fiasco is based solely on the premise that man-made CO2 is causing the planet’s climate to heat up with catastrophic implications for humanity. This, even though no one has yet laid out for all to see the empirical evidence that this is indeed a fact, or that not one of the thousands of predictions of climate catastrophe over the last fifty years has proven to be true.

With that out of the way, while I was still on page 1, I saw the next bit of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) propaganda: “How the ETS can benefit both landowners and New Zealand.” [Opinion piece on page 22]

The writer did not say just how the vast majority of New Zealanders are better off having their fuel and electricity bills, and everything else they buy substantially increased via industry’s passed-on costs to “ensure that farmers, foresters and others can make the most of the ETS and maximise their economic returns while helping to offset greenhouse gas emissions”.

“The ETS provides an excellent opportunity for foresters, farmers and investors.”

Not much for New Zealanders there then – seems to be focussing on inflating the odd wallet! The whole opinion piece hinged on removing CO2 from the atmosphere “to meet our climate change goals” whilst lining the pockets of consultants, advisors, and “investors”. The humungous mountains of money needed to feed this Ponzi scheme would of course come from the unsuspecting and propagandised public.

On page 10 Peter Burke breathlessly reported, “Despite rising prices, it appears that farmers haven’t stopped topdressing!” Goodness!

Mr. Burke also reported that NZ Agricultural Aviation Association (NZAAA) chair Tony Michelle said that “dealing with climate change and the huge raft of legislation coming into force around it will be a priority” in his new role with NZAAA.

Page 11 reported that New Zealand Merino CEO John Brakenridge accompanied Jacinda Ardern on her official visit to the US, which included Ardern and California Governor Newsom signing a Memorandum of Cooperation to work together on climate change. NZM’s new partnership with a Silicon Valley company will enable NZ farmers “to have an easy interpretation of not only their gross carbon numbers, but also their net”.

On page 16 we were informed that the Government has worked with the agriculture industry to develop a pricing system for greenhouse gas emissions:

“The resulting recommendations are likely to result in the biggest regulatory disruption to farming since agricultural subsidies were removed in the 1980s.”

On page 20 “The Hound” highlighted a stuff-up by the Environment Ministry when publishing bullet points on mitigating climate change on their website – three of their bullet points said, “Blah, blah, blah”.

Page 21 reported that “the government’s proposed review of genetic engineering needs to be widened to address its potential benefits to the agricultural industry and climate”.

Page 21 also published a letter taking issue with a previously published opinion piece entitled “Years of methane chicanery”. (RN 10 May)

On page 24 the headline blared, “Station tackles climate change on a grand scale”. The owner of the station stated, “Climate change and how quickly it’s happening is the biggest challenge for us.”

I have the greatest respect for farmers and their husbandry of the land and world-class production of food, and I believe him when he says he has had higher temperatures and less water, but there is no evidence that anthropogenic CO2 is causing this or that the population of New Zealand paying levies to be paid to “investors” to curb the climate is a realistic proposal.

For more than 2½ years we have been bombarded with exhortations of doom and disaster and to ‘get the jab’, and another, and another… Highly paid and now-famous ‘experts’ have told us that the jab will stop us from getting ill, will prevent us from dying, that masks are useless and shouldn’t be worn, all to be reversed at the behest of some vested interest more interested in keeping the world’s population in the thrall of imaginary hobgoblins making it easier for their plucking.

To the same end, we’ve been hammered endlessly with the climate change hobgoblin to such an extent that it permeates every cell of our fevered bodies, and I can see no end to it even if 100 years from now the climate remains identical to what it is today. ‘Experts’ dreaming of fame and wealth will always be found to further the machinations of their masters.

Troughers. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.
