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Sheriff Collins’s Double Vision

David Seymour ACT Party leader and Act candidate David Seymour



SHANE RETI has been unanimously voted in by the caucus as Deputy leader, and I have been told to CARRY ON.

After the Specials, we ended up with 25.6% of the vote. EPSOM was the only electorate that got more party votes than the REDS. Interestingly TAKANINI which is the electorate next to me, had the most “NOPE TO DOPE” votes in the country. The Maori seats voted overwhelmingly the other way.

Some of the big names in National have ended up in double-digit rankings, whereas Andrew Bayly (MR. NOWHERE MAN), a mountaineer has scaled the heights and ended up in Single digit rankings at Number 3. It reminds me of Psalm 121: “I looked to the hills from whence cometh my help.”

Conversely BRIDGES brings to mind Psalm 23: “He lays me down beside still waters.”
That is exactly what he got. “WATER” when I dished out the goodies.

YOU KNOW WHAT, I think I’ve got DOUBLE VISION. It’s not just that the REDS have got twice as many votes as us, it’s just that two TWERKS (Seymour’s) have appeared on the scene.


A DAVID SEYMOUR (Mark 11) for ACT stood in Whangarei and acquired 2,153 votes thus depriving SHANE RETI of his electorate seat by 431 votes. Please note this is NOT the DAVID SEYMOUR, the leader of the ACT party who won his seat in Epsom. CONFUSED? So am I. No doubt the voters in Whangarei were as well.

It’s a matter of “LIVE AND LET DIE.” After all the “CUPS OF TEA” we have had on his behalf the TWERK has left us the DREGS.

NEIL CAVUTO a FOX News anchor has taken a leaf out of TOVA O’BIASED (O’Brien’s) book and called out one minute into the presser WHOA, WHOA, WHOA to KAYLEIGH MC.ENENY.

NEK MINUTE CAVUTO chimes in with “I can’t in good countenance continue showing this” when she was trying to present a case for the STOLEN election.

O’BIASED cut off our ex-colleague JAMIE-LEE ROSS of ADVANCE NZ by saying “I don’t want to listen to that rubbish” when he tried to compare the number of influenza deaths [550] to Covid deaths [25]. This was hailed as a “masterpiece of interviewing”. By whom you might ask?

There is more to POMPEO, US Secretary of State than meets the eye. (And that is quite a lot.) When asked by a reporter when would TRUMP be TRANSITIONING, he replied TRUMP would be transitioning to second term presidency at one minute after midday on the 20th of January. Inauguration Day!

Perhaps the “one minute” is a covert reference to the NEK MINUTE CAVUTO .

Lesley Gore’s hit song is just the ticket for DONALD JOHN TRUMP.

It’s my Party and I’ll cry (SUE) if I want to,
You would cry (SUE) if it happened to you!JUDY And JOHNNY just walked through the door,
Like a Queen with her King.
OH what a birthday surprise,
JUDY is wearing his ring.It’s my Party and I’ll cry (SUE) if I want to,
You would cry (SUE) if it happened to you!

PFIZER has come up with a 90% effective vaccine. The Russians have followed suit naturally. We have orders in for the vaccine as well. Stock markets have shot up.
The effective vaccine was down to TRUMP. Another promise KEPT.


I’m your huckleberry,

Down the hatch,
Make mine a DOUBLE JUDY,


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