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Ten Years in the Jailer’s Eye…

Checkpoint Chippy. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. The BFD.

One of the universal attributes of left-wingers is they are scared of everything. They are terrified of anything which constitutes ‘day-to-day life’ and try to either ban it, regulate it, or scold it. This is why they jumped into the March 2020 lockdowns with enthusiasm; they could be terrified of something, could obey commands from the state; they could virtue signal what a good person they supposedly are, and scold anyone for not complying. It really was left-wing heaven for a while.

Due to the left now being completely discredited, where the usual chestnuts they trot out (hungry children, housing crisis, poverty) no longer apply as it will simply remind everyone how bad they truly are, the left-wing opposition appears to be shifting into the mode of ‘professional scaredy cat and scold’.

So think of the long, long list of things – walking down the street, driving your car, swimming, the weather, the possibility your sofa may explode (!), eating a hamburger – all are being prepared for even greater scolding at how morally wicked you are for owning, using and enjoying these joys of life. Add in a dollop of hysterical, entirely imaginary (or at best ‘theoretical’) claims (such as ‘think how many people would be killed if your sofa suddenly exploded‘) and it’s a recipe for attempting to remain relevant.

A good example of this disconnect from reality was failed Labour leader Chris Hipkins at the weekend. He called for a ceasefire in Gaza on the grounds that children are being killed (‘where is your moral compass to not realise what a big hearted good person I am?’). Mr Hipkins was seemingly unaware there was a longstanding ceasefire on October 6th, and unconcerned about Jewish children murdered shortly thereafter. He stopped short of openly saying, “Oh but they’re Jews so it doesn’t matter,” but the implication was fairly clear; you’re a bad person if you disagree with him.

As he slinks out the door to become a modern-day Bill Rowling (“Just think of the righteous great leader you’ve been denied folks!“) he is reminiscent of Gordon Brown walking along Downing Street with his two children on the way to resign in 2010.

Another recent example is the pusillanimous ‘apology’ from a new MP, Cameron Brewer, for expressing delight at his own election victory. The left-wingers have gotten stuck into him – ‘You’ve robbed Parliament of someone from the 3rd world – what a wicked person you are!‘ – and he doffed his cap (to people who despise him) and dutifully issued an apology. Goodness knows why – he should have doubled down on the matter by pointing out that successful countries are run only by people like him, to throw a cat among the pigeons.

But what is interesting is how the new Government is full of people who seemingly accept – as some kind of moral absolute – the contentions and scoldings of their opponents, yet fail to understand their opponents are utterly discredited and unelectable.

As I keep telling you folk; the new Government will be in office until the decade of the ’40s. Or maybe ’50s. The concept of “a change of government” won’t even exist outside of press gallery fantasy worlds for the next two decades. The proof of this pudding and why people like Cameron Brewer should not apologise is that there is no need to. None of these (and plenty of other) news stories is trending; even on the Stuff website, the scolding stories aren’t playing even to a left-wing audience!

Even on the Stuff website, the scolding stories aren’t playing even to a left-wing audience!
