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The Biggest Ram Raid in NZ’s History

The BFD.




Well; there you have it folks. The biggest Ram-Raid (it’s so audacious I had to capitalise it) in New Zealand history was carried out on Friday last. Definitely not your common-or-garden-variety ram-raid conducted by underlings working for their criminal gang bosses while Coster whistles away in the dark: this is absolutely huge by comparison.

Carried out by the Mahuta Family Gang, it has all the hallmarks of that one’s arrogance and disdain for democracy, and has the prime minister’s fingerprints all over it too. The Ram is the legislation to be rammed through parliament during this wretched Government’s dying throes. The Raid is (can you believe this) our entire body of coastal water, all of it. Yes: all 750,000 km2 (approximately) of open water bounding our coast.

Three Waters is now Five Waters, because she wants iwi control of geothermal water too. But our ‘Coastal water’ area is huge and by far the largest theft of control: extending from a mark between the water-lines on our foreshores to 24 nautical miles out to sea; that’s about 45 kilometres, way, way beyond the horizon, and beyond the pale.

The raid was carried out while we were distracted, annoyed by the faux-consultation on the ‘3-Waters’ (Water Services Entities [WSE]) Bill. When we were railing against Labour’s dirty tricks, so many I won’t even attempt to list them, the thieves were busy stealing, making a mockery of the Parliamentary process and lifting a big middle finger to New Zealand.

Claiming to ‘consult widely’ and ‘make changes’, they made changes, alright. Compare the all-important Ti Tiriti/Treaty (Section 4) of the WSE bill (in its entirety) introduced before the Select Committee:


With how it emerged Friday:


“Te Mana o te Wai applies, for the purposes of this Act, not only to all freshwater, but also to all coastal water, and to all geothermal water…”. The underlining of the pertinent text is added by legislative services to indicate a change made to the original bill, in this case, a clause ‘inserted’ by the ‘select committee majority’ aka ‘the Labour Party’, aka ‘the He Puapua Party’, aka ‘Mahuta & Family Inc’.

“Te mana o te wai” has lots of flowery definitions and is embedded in some legislation already, but boils down to iwi input to water services. A “Te mana o te wai statement” is essentially a directive issued by an iwi to a water services entity and must be responded to, integrated or incorporated. It is not fixed and may be amended at any time some new claim is dredged up, or dreamed up. “Coastal water” means “seawater within the outer limits of the territorial sea”.

This shifty, sneaky, power-grab of control over our coastal water has nothing whatsoever to do with water infrastructure whether fresh, storm or waste and had not been flagged in advance or even aired in the open by Ardern.

Instead, it’s been disguised, hidden away from us all very deceitfully, and the implications are huge. But wait! There’s more:

“We [the Labour Party] also consider that Te Mana o te Wai statements should apply to all water bodies, and WSEs should give effect to these statements.”

All of ’em: rivers, lakes, springs, creeks, streams, irrigation canals, ponds: who knows? The local swimming pool, your bath? We just don’t know because this lot keeps on lying and lying and lying about their true intentions.

Wake up! New Zealand. Step away from cuddling the Covid-corpse of fear the prime minister induced in you and take a whiff  – she stinks, she is retch-inducing, as is Mahuta, this entire rubbish government and their version of democracy.

They are handing control of this huge resource to unelected, unrepresentative, preferred-gene pool people purely on the basis of made-up Tiriki Tiriti mumbo-jumbo.

You’re being conned. Seriously conned. Completely conned.

My answer to Five Waters: No, no, no, no and no.

This Government has got to go, or ‘New Zealand’ is over.
