Bob Jones
The increasingly desperate Labour leader is making a bloody fool of himself, announcing fresh unresearched policies on the hoof almost daily. Did he learn nothing from the fruit and vegetable GST fiasco, heavily condemned by every economist and his own colleagues (when it was mooted earlier this year)?
His nonsensical announcement to teach “financial literacy” in schools, is I’m informed backed by National. No surprise there if so, the Nats not noted for innovative or deep thought.
I know a bit on that topic, it being knowledge easily acquired when I had the need for it as a young adult.
If Hipkins talked to teachers he’d learn they would desperately urge a return to the basics, especially science teachers who are up in arms at the proposed new science-less science curriculum. Less maori wonderfulness and wasting time resurrecting a redundant language no-one speaks would also be high on teachers wish-list.
What next from Hipkins I wonder? Free world cruises for newly-weds, a Ferrari in every garage; the mind boggles at the possibilities.
I know a few Labour MPs, ALL admit the game is up with the coming election and a landslide beckons, as I’ve forecast on this site for 18 months now. The infantile attempt to popularise Hipkins with the “Chippy” and “sausage rolls” invention was simply embarrassing.
Hipkins would be best served thinking about his own future as he’s scheduled to be dumped as Party leader, probably before Christmas.
He’ll be blamed by his decimated caucus for the defeat, this due, they’ll perceive, for his extraordinary strategy of overturning every policy the government he was part of creating, the one exception being the racist maori wonderfulness stuff. That’s been kept in return for silence from his maori caucus during the campaign, yet I suspect it’s the one that will most be responsible for the crashing defeat looming.
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