One of the differences between right-wingers and left-wingers is pragmatism. Right-wingers, because most of the time we invariably have to actually ‘govern’ whereas left-wingers do not, realise how the real world works and that often deals need to be cut which we’d rather not undertake. Occasionally this means eliminating certain people whose services are no longer required by their (ahem) “best friends” and (ahem) “strongest supporters” (cough, splutter). Left-wingers, by contrast, like to show off, pretend they’re part of some virtuous brotherhood, and show foolish loyalty to rotting corpses.
A good example of what I mean was the attitude of conservative Republicans towards Cosa Nostra. In the 1930s a man called Thomas Dewey was the district attorney – the prosecutor – in Manhattan (the official name is ‘New York County’). He made his name as a crimebuster who pursued gangsters with great enthusiasm; most famously sending Charles “Lucky” Luciano to prison in 1936 on a thirty-year sentence for racketeering.
Dewey was more interested in becoming Governor of New York state and then US President; sending gangsters to prison was simply a convenient way of achieving those objectives. Once he became New York Governor, however, Tom Dewey paradoxically became quite open to issuing commutations – and even the occasional pardon – to the very mobsters he’d sent to prison! His most famous pardon was issued in 1946 to “Lucky” Luciano himself on the condition that he “voluntarily” leave America and never return.
In short; Dewey wanted to be President; it was going to cost a lot of money and require powerful friends. Although not personally “on the take” – no one has ever suggested Dewey took a bribe – it didn’t take a high IQ to know which group of people met both requirements. The flip side of the coin is Cosa Nostra saw huge benefits of having, if not exactly a ‘friend’ in the White House; certainly a man who would at least ‘listen’.
If some ‘family’ sought assistance – perhaps a pardon, perhaps an FBI investigation buried, perhaps a legitimate front corporation seeking a government contract – Cosa Nostra felt they were better off with a 25% chance of it happening with “President” Dewey than a 0% chance with President Truman who refused, point blank, to ever deal with them.
So let’s look at the situation in American politics today. Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well, terrifying to hysterical levels the Democrats and left-wingers. The various court cases and trials are discredited – everyone knows they are fake; the polls won’t budge, and Trump leads Biden in every ‘battleground’ state. Biden is senile, Harris is a fall-down drunk entirely out of her depth, but nobody is prepared to pull the trigger on them (as Eugene McCarthy and Edward Kennedy did a couple of generations ago). But the left won’t do what’s required to prevent their worst nightmare – the thing they hate the most – from occurring.
The solution to their problem is actually quite simple; let me explain. The Democrats in Congress and State Governors unify demanding the resignation of Kamala Harris. Once she is gone a unified Democrat party could 25th Amendment Biden – that he is no longer mentally capable of carrying out his duties. So Biden resigns and Mike Johnson, the new Speaker of the House, becomes US President – eliminating (literally!) in a heartbeat a future ‘Trump Presidency’. Johnson is a bit of a lightweight – who may or may not be able to win an election – but the Democrats have prevented the one thing they supposedly hate and are terrified of. It’s what conservatives would do.