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There Is Zero Moral Equivalence Between a KKK Hood and a MAGA Hat


One of the retorts used by those attempting to defend the actions of the Black Lives Matter thugs in Aotea Square who ripped a MAGA hat off a teacher’s head and burned it, was that it was no different to a hood worn by a Ku Klux Klan member.

There is so much stupid in that response that it makes my head hurt but I will attempt to type this really slowly in the hope that it will clearly explain why there is zero moral equivalence between the two items of head gear.

The first and most obvious difference is why they were created in the first place.

The Ku Klux Klan is an organisation that was created with evil intentions. This is why the Klan hood was designed to hide the wearer’s identity. It is a reasonable assumption that anyone who designs head gear that hides their identity intends to break the law and/or do things that are morally repugnant.

The MAGA cap on the other hand was a key part of a successful presidential campaign of Republican candidate Donald Trump. His political slogan was “Make America Great Again” which is even more catchy and positive than the campaign slogan of Jacinda Ardern and the Labour Party, “Let’s Do This!”


The intention of creating the cap was a) to fundraise by selling the hats and b) to show how much support there was for Trump. One of the many memorable photos of his campaign showed a sea of red MAGA hats. The media may have been saying that that there was no way that he could win but the people wearing the MAGA caps could not be ignored. His supporters because they wore the hats were highly visible.

Now back to the Ku Klux Klan hoods. The Ku Klux Klan as an organisation had literal blood on its hands. In its heyday members lynched, beat and tortured black Americans. It was a powerful group that struck terror into the hearts of people. These days however the organisation is all but dead. The KKK have no support from the general public and are generally reviled as being racists and an evil and violent footnote in the American South’s history.

The MAGA hat on the other hand, as the symbol of the successful Republican Campaign and now government of President Donald Trump, has no blood or violence associated with it. Wait one minute you will say, there has been violence associated with MAGA hats. You are quite right, there has, but what I mean is that the violence associated with the hat is NOT from the wearers of the hats or the supporters of President Trump. The overwhelming violence associated with the hats has come from the losers, the Democrat supporters who continue to lash out in violence because Hillary Clinton didn’t win.

The hatred, racism and violence is coming from those who assault Trump supporters for wearing a wildly successful political slogan. If you do a google search for “assault” and “MAGA hat”, you will soon see that the violence associated with the hat is very much one way.

Imagine if National party supporters assaulted Labour supporters for wearing “Let’s Do This” hats. Imagine if they claimed that “Let’s Do This” hats were hateful and racist because they were still butt hurt that Labour won the last election. Imagine that teachers in our schools brainwashed their students into believing that anyone who wore a ” Let’s Do This” hat was a genuine racist and Nazi and/or white supremacist? If that happened, only then, would we have any kind of moral equivalance to what is happening with the MAGA hats.

The MAGA hat, which is a symbol of success and patriotism for all those who proudly wear it, is like a red rag to a bull to the Left. They hate what it symbolises (success, beating Hillary, patriotism), so they have tried to make the hat itself an object of hate. Just as Jacinda Ardern keeps repeating that she went “hard and early” when she went soft and late, they know that if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it. The left keep telling us that the hat symbolises hate and racism when in reality, it is all about them being butt hurt that Hillary lost and Trump won.

The political left want to hold Trump hat wearers personally responsible for the Left’s hateful and violent responses towards the hat. We are told that simply displaying the hat in your office is hateful and offensive and that wearing it is inciting violence. The violence and the hate is all inside those who cannot stand the fact that Trump won and that he has done more for Black American success and employment than Obama ever did.

Jahangir Turan said he was attacked by a group of teens in SoHo for wearing the MAGA hat.

No one should accept their lies about the hat any more than we accept the lie that Ardern went “hard and early”. There is zero moral equivalence with a KKK Hood, as one was designed to protect a member of an evil organisation from being identified while breaking the law and the other was designed to promote a positive political slogan of what turned out to be a winning campaign.

Anger against the KKK was because of the evil things that they did whilst anger against MAGA hats is no more than the anger of a group of poor losers who still cannot believe that their chosen candidate was thrashed in the last election.

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