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The BFD. Photoshopped image credit: Pixy Secret double agent JAG delivering the latest secret photo to The BFD HQ

The debate over the ‘Let’s Get Wellington Moving’ campaign has hardly started and the name-calling has already begun. The proposals are light on detail at the moment, and it has already been stated that the entire matter will be subject to public consultation. There are lots of interested parties with differing views. One, for example. is “Save the Basin”, whose members will form a human line lying on the road forever if there is even a hint that a flyover might go in. It is going to be an interesting and robust discussion, and it has only just got going.

One of the proposals that is already fairly unpopular is the inclusion of more cycle lanes. Parts of Wellington have already been carved up because of cycle lanes which are hardly used, and precious car parks have been lost as a result. Few people want more cycle lanes, even if they do want a tram to the airport and a second Mt Victoria tunnel.

Enter the Associate Minister for Transport into the fray.

The BFD.
We don’t need to change what people want. We need a few car fascists to stop opposing infrastructure that gives more people the option to walk, cycle or scoot safely if they wish. Especially because that benefits everyone, including those who want to drive.
end quote.

Julie Anne Genter

There was a time when ministers of the Crown treated their voters’ opinions with the respect they deserve, but I guess that was before the Greens formed part of the government.

Details of the Let’s Get Wellington Moving transport package were released yesterday.

The plan has a $6.4 billion price tag and includes mass transit as a priority. It also includes a second Mt Victoria Tunnel, better cycling and walking paths, unblocking the Basin Reserve and other public transport improvements.

The announcement caused a lot of discussion on social media between councillors, MPs and members of the public.
end quote.

As we already know, if you disagree with someone from the left, you will be insulted. The associate minister for transport ought to know or at least behave, better.

Wellington is a city built on hills, and many of the roads are not wide enough for traffic as it is. The last thing we need is more cycle lanes making it impossible for cars to get around, but with the very Green council operating the city, there is just no will or incentive to encourage traffic at all. Their idea of ‘getting Wellington moving’ is either to get rid of car parks or to charge a ‘congestion tax’. Most Wellingtonians want neither of these things.

Julie Anne Genter and her ilk cannot understand that cycle lanes are mostly used recreationally. There is nothing wrong with that, but it means that traffic will not reduce substantially, particularly at peak times. It is impossible to drop the kids off at school, pick them up and take them to sport afterwards and call into the supermarket on the way home, all on a bike. Sometimes, even associate transport ministers have to be practical.

The Associate Minister of Transport has said using the term “car fascists” was not the best choice of words.

        A newspaper.
end quote.

Nevertheless, it makes her position clear. First of all, she hates cars. Secondly, she hates those who disagree with her and will resort to name-calling if she so wishes.

Interesting that she chose the word ‘fascist’. Why not go the whole hog and just call everyone Nazis, Julie Anne?

Still, it is good to see that the debate about Wellington’s gridlock has started, even though it is going to be a long road.

The project itself is being put together by collaboration between Phil Twyford and Wellington mayor, Justin Lester.

What could possibly go wrong?
