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We Have Five Weeks to Stop Jacinda Ardern’s Anti-speech Laws

persons left hand on yellow background
Photo by Diana Polekhina. The BFD.

Dr David Cumin
Free Speech Union

What I have to say is rather urgent. In short, we have only a few weeks to ensure New Zealanders say ‘No’ to the Government’s proposals to pass UK-style anti-speech laws, and I’m writing this to ask for your help to make sure there is an effective campaign to do so.

Free speech is relying on you. We’ve now pulled together a fantastic team to fight the Government’s proposed law changes. We’ve won previously in Court, but now it’s time to win the public argument.

Based on the media this week (see below), we think there is a real shot at forcing the Government to back down.

Earlier today we launched a “Hate Speech Detector” so that Kiwis understand what will be considered “hate speech” under the Government’s proposed new laws.

Check out our tool at

As you can see, the tool is an effective tongue in cheek measure to get the message across. But the consequences of this fight could not be more serious.

I don’t want to see New Zealand turned into a society where the Police come visiting when someone is offended – or the social media mob accuse someone of so-called ‘hate speech’.

But tools like the “Hate Speech Detector” and online advertising for our “Save Free Speech” petition, are 100% reliant on crowdfunding to make this effort possible.

All funds raised will be used to promote the petition and stand up for your rights to free speech.

Over the coming days, we will also be finalising our formal submission on the Government’s proposals. We will build an online submission tool to make it easy for Kiwis who share your concerns to formally submit on the Government’s proposals.

But none of this is possible without your support.

PS. If you can’t give financially but you want to volunteer, we’d love to hear from you. You don’t just have to be in Auckland or Wellington. Opposition from across the country is what will convince the Government to back down.

PPS. Here’s just a selection of the media from the last seven days:

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