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Image credit The BFD.



Well, that’s disappointing. Don’t you think?

The huge increase, that is, in ADD sufferers in New Zealand: those ‘Angry’, ‘Disappointed’ or ‘Disgusted’ in our prime minister:

Ardern’s highest rating in the poll was for “disappointment”, at 35 per cent, a figure which included 26 per cent of people who said they voted Labour at the 2020 election.

It’s a real slap in the face for her, especially seeing the ‘Disgusted’ number quadruple since 2020, after all the work she’s put in on what our Human Rights Commissioner described on Thursday as “One of the most grave human rights problems confronting Aotearoa New Zealand: the tsunami of toxic misinformation and disinformation,” and the warrior-queen’s promises to fight the good fight against it. It’s almost as though nobody cares, that we have other things to focus on and that we deeply distrust her and her allegedly grand motives.

Perhaps she’ll ask: ‘Mirror, mirror, on the wall, how did I become most mistrusted of all? I am giving the proles exactly what they asked for: my hugely popular co-governance proposals, my much-vaunted and equally popular hate-speech laws, the two-tiered society they begged for. Aren’t they just a bit ungrateful?’

The poll indicated public sentiment about Ardern had shifted since September 2020, when in the lead up to an election 14 per cent felt “disappointed” and 11 per cent “angry”. While Ardern also made fewer people feel “hopeful” in the latest poll, dropping from 46 per cent to 20 per cent.

Give us hope, Jacinda. Just off and go to the UN. Forget about the merit badge you covet, the ribbon for ‘Best Disinformation Stomptress’. Just go. And take your jackboots with you.
