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Which Virus Is Worse: COVID or Climatitis?

climate change commission 2021 NZ

We are currently in the grip of not one but two, virus-like predicaments. One, COVID-19, is very obvious because of the way it is constantly drawn to our attention by our prime minister and her minions, the news (or should that be views) media. COVID-19 is a very real problem because of its potential to cause illness and of the restrictions that have been placed on our movements, gatherings and ability to leave home for work. But there is, hopefully, a light at the end of the tunnel with the arrival of preventative vaccines.

The other predicament is still awaiting confirmation by Collins dictionary that it will be an acceptable word for the condition it relates to: climatitis, “a sudden obsession with promoting awareness of climate change and the measures necessary to avert it”.

While the word may be new to most of you, the term “climate change” will be very familiar. We hear it almost daily in an alarmist way from the same Prime Minister and her Green Party accomplices who have turned their ceaseless scaremongering into a masterclass of misrepresentation in the pursuit of their dedication to bringing us all into the web of global governance known as United Nations Agenda 2030.

This ultimate in socialist goals which is being perpetrated by left wing politicians wedded to the belief that they alone know how our human society should conduct itself, and to hell with such far-out ideas as freedom and personal responsibility, is bad enough. But to have the shameless support of so much of our news media, to the extent of denying publication of many attempts to set the climate behavioural record straight (or even to demand from global warming alarmists evidence for their scaremongering claims) shows the depths to which our modern society has been plunged.

Especially in our own country, New Zealand, of all places. As Danish economist Bjorn Lomborg points out:

Many rich countries are now promising to make their economies carbon-neutral by 2050. There is only one nation that has done an independent cost estimate of net-zero – New Zealand. It found that the average best-case cost is 16 per cent of GDP. For the US, this translates to more than $US5 trillion per year by mid-century, and similarly exorbitant costs for other nations. Such costs make these policies unsustainable in the long run.

But it’s not just the ruinous cost in financial terms, it’s the threat to our very way of life contained in the report released on 30 January 2021 by the Climate Change Commission (CCC), set up by the alarmist-in-chief, Minister James Shaw.

The website begins:

“This report contains the draft advice of He Pou a Rangi – the Climate Change Commission. It includes advice on the first three emissions budgets and on policy direction for the Government’s first emissions reduction plan. Together, these lay out the course for reducing emissions in Aotearoa and set the direction of policy that Aotearoa takes to get there. The Commission was also asked by the Minister for Climate Change to provide advice on the eventual reductions needed in biogenic methane emissions, and on the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution. This advice is provided in Part B of this report.”

The chair of the CCC, Dr Rod Carr, was almost immediately challenged by the Environomics (NZ) Trust, in an open letter dated 2 February 2021, to respond to a report by 10 internationally reputed people, calling themselves ‘The Argonauts’: that because approximately 36 years ago, NASA climate scientists made fundamental errors in applying control systems theory to their mathematical models, they grossly overestimated “climate sensitivity” by a factor of more than three, meaning that there is no climate emergency, and there never was.

The Trust’s open letter then challenged Dr Carr to pit a three-person team consisting of his fellow Climate Commissioner, climate scientist Prof. James Renwick, and two other climate scientists of his choice, against a three-person team representing the Environomics (NZ) Trust, in a public debate – via Zoom – regarding the credibility of the science and climate models upon which the UN IPCC’s climate models, the NZ Climate Change Commission’s climate policy recommendations and the declaration of a ‘climate emergency’ are based.

“The Argonauts’ discovery of politically acceptable climatology’s errors exposes the crisis that never was. Mankind has much more significant issues to be concerned about than higher atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and slightly warmer weather worldwide, which will improve crop yields whilst continuing to shrink our planet’s deserts.
“Nor can the increase in atmospheric CO2 acidify the oceans. It is nothing less than a bastardisation of the English language for anybody to claim that the oceans are acidifying. The mass of the CO2 naturally occurring in the alkaline oceans is 50 to 70 times the mass of the CO2 in the atmosphere. Consequently, there is no “ocean acidification crisis”. Our planet’s oceans are alkaline and they will remain alkaline.

“Apart from all of the above, the warming effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations is a rapidly diminishing one: that is, each doubling of the atmospheric concentration of CO2 increases the global mean temperature by the same 1.25 Celsius degrees, which would be net beneficial.

“If Ministers and their climate scientists are unable to conclude that the Argonauts’ research is unsound and show why, they are duty-bound immediately to withdraw New Zealand from all climate agreements and all organisations promoting such agreements, rescind all legislation and taxes pertaining to climate change, remove all subsidies for renewable electricity and electric cars, cease to switch government vehicles to all-electric and halt the eradication of coal burning for both electricity generation and process heat. They are also duty-bound to reinstate the normal operations of the oil, gas and coal industries. They should not compound the economic damage from the Covid pandemic with still further damage from extremely costly but futile CO2 emissions abatement. Also, they should immediately disband the office of Minister for Climate Change, and disband the Climate Change Commission.

“Finally, clicking on this hyperlink: should give you cause to ponder why no climate scientist has ever been able to produce any verifiable physical evidence that mankind’s emissions of CO2 have caused an increase in the global mean temperature. If that didn’t give you pause to ponder, then this one should:

“Computer models whose output do not match observed reality should be discredited forthwith!

“The immortal words of Mark Twain have never been truer: “It’s not what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so!”

“Worldwide, governments are now in an analogous position to the one the Pope was in when Galileo confronted the conventional wisdom that the Earth was the centre of the universe and all the planets revolved around Earth. Galileo correctly explained that the conventional wisdom was wrong and that all the planets orbit our Sun. History has recorded that eventually, the Catholic Church and everybody else accepted that Galileo was correct. Today, we wonder at what took them so long to come to their senses!

“How intransigent will the New Zealand Climate Change Commission and the New Zealand Government be, and how much time will elapse, and how many of our scarce resources of capital, human intellect and labour, and how much taxpayers’ money, will be wasted before the New Zealand Climate Change Commission and the New Zealand Government – and everybody else – concede that the Argonauts are correct?

“How much disruption to the lives and reduction of the incomes of decent, hardworking New Zealanders have to occur – all for nothing – before the New Zealand Climate Change Commission and the New Zealand Government – and everybody else – concede that the Argonauts are correct?”

Environomics (NZ) Trust honorary chairman and CEO, Peter J Morgan, is yet to receive a reply, apart from a very brief response from one Climate Change Commissioner, who simply asked him to in future send any communications to her CCC email address rather than to her university one.

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