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New Zealand’s Future Digital Takeover

Help to resist CBDC plans

Photo by Bermix Studio / Unsplash



The Reserve Bank of New Zealand are planning to introduce a central bank digital currency (CBDC). After learning that the population do not want to lose access to cash, it was renamed “digital cash” in an attempt to make it seem more attractive. They state that this will be, “an electronic version of cash, issued by us, but it would not replace cash”.

This is happening across the globe, in lockstep.

Central Bank Digital Currency Tracker
Image captured for criticism/review and reporting current events under Fair Dealing – The Copyright Act 1994

To understand why this is happening requires an understanding of the financial system that is currently in place, who controls it and the reasons it is predicted to collapse imminently. Credible sources are sharing accessible information to educate those of us without backgrounds in finance and economics. These include but are not limited to:

Ultimately, the privately owned central banks, including the Reserve Bank of NZ, intend on establishing a new, centralised control system linked to digital identity allowing for a social credit score linking compliance with authoritarian demands to our financial rights and freedoms. Signs that this is intended include the de-banking of dissidents, such as the Canadian truckers, Australian journalist Maria Zeee and UK political figure Nigel Farage. The most widespread sign in New Zealand was the attempt to impose vaccine passports upon the entire population, which were a pilot test for digital identity surveillance.

Central Bank Digital Currency combined with the imposition of digital identity is the attainment of the financial control grid so well described by financiers such as Catherine Austin-Fitts and Professor Richard Werner. This has serious implications for the health and prosperity that citizens in nations like New Zealand have enjoyed for generations. For our own and our children’s futures, it is imperative that we mount an effective resistance to this.

What Can We Do to help resist CBDC?

All is not lost and now is the time for active resistance.

This article was originally published by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science.
