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guns The BFD

Neville Dodd


Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand Inc

At a time when Government is trimming its policies to better manage the cost of living crisis, is it not also sensible to scrap the firearm register, that will cost $ 1 Million per week to administer, and serve no useful purpose? This money could be better used elsewhere, funding our ailing health system for example. Says Neville Dodd, President of the Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand.

Police claimed in the past a register served no useful purpose, but now say they need a register to capture straw sales of guns by licensed owners who on sell to unlicensed gang members. But they have already shown they can apprehend the small number of people involved simply by examining the records required to be kept by arms dealers.

To the best of our knowledge, there has been no cost-benefit analysis applied to this register. How many lives will it save compared to the same money spent on health care, or road safety improvements? Such a cost-benefit analysis would at least allow the public to see that their tax dollars were being spent wisely.
